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Welcome to The Wilds


Table and chairs are available on a first-come basis, a small donation to the ARTisaSHIP is appreciated to help support local arts.

These are adult over 21 events., 16 and above admitted with parents.

Parking will open up an hour before showtime, please enter and exit through the Inn at Birch Wilds driveway and proceed to the festival-style parking lot in the grass. If you arrive prior to entrance time, you will not be admitted until the correct time.

No firearms, fireworks, outside food, drinks, or alcohol are permitted.


In the event of possible weather cancellation please visit our Facebook page for an update day of the show.

Smoking is not permitted in the event site, but a smoking area will be provided.

Food and Drinks will be available for purchase No outside food or drinks is permitted

Dogs are permitted but must be leashed at all times and seating in section D only.

Kick back and Rock Out In The Wilds!

2024  Marathon Bar Events LLC

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